MoU signing: India and German partnership
MOU signing: India and German partnership Posted by NILESH WAGHELA Mumbai: Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board and German Water Partnership, signed MOU. This is an export initiative for climate protection supported by the Federal Ministry of Germany for Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety & Consumer Protection (BMUV) ShowCaseIN aims to develop a conceptual design for the upgrade of an existing wastewater treatment plant under local conditions in India, which will then serve as a show case plant for adapted German wastewater technologies and will also be used for training purposes for capacity building. The project contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN). It addresses SDG 6, “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”, with a deeper focus on SDG 6.3, “Improvement of water quality, wastewater treatment and reuse”, SDG 9, “Build resilient infrastructure, prom...